Sunday, August 5, 2012

New Lovey to Drool Over :0)

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer because it has been going by so quickly. Soon it will be time for the chicka-dee's to return to school. My oldest child  (17 Yr old) Tahjee Zahmir will be a senior!!!! Wow has time flown by. Yes, I am starting to feel old at 36 :0(  Not that 36 is old to me at all , I hear 40 yrs old is the new 20"s. LOL.  I remember when he was three and asking me if the dead bee caught in a cobweb was taking a nap! (sigh) Well that's enough nattering, lets get on to my dolly stuff ! 

Well as usual there are always new sculpts for me to spend my money on. I have fallen in love with a new beauty of course. I would like to make her a mix of African - American and Cambodian. My friend Leap is Cambodian and has a biracial grandson. He is absolutely adorable, he has these adorable chubby cheeks with dimples and his complexion is gorgeous. The sculpt is Suu Kyi by Adrie Stoete. She is another one of my favorite sculptresses. I have a couple her her Asian sculpts waiting to be created :0) Serra Loredana of "The Little Prince's House" has done a phenomenal job on her prototype and bringing this little girl to life. She has been so so very sweet and has allowed me to use one of her photos as an example of the sculpt being discussed. Here is Lory's website so you can see some of her other beautiful art as well. Thanks Lory :0)

Here is Lory's "Suu Kyi" :

Well pleasant dreams all.......