I just had to let you guys know how I truly almost got sick!!! I'm so busy blogging and finishing up Narvia Dior in my baby lab and almost missed out on purchasing my Sharlamae sculpts!! Yes, sculpts "plural", I can't let this one slip away.... For those of you like me who did not know she was being released today "Nonies Angels Nursery" is all sold out!! I buy all of my Bonnie babies from Gina. Went to click on the Paypal , Pay Now button and they are all gone :0( I really wanted to order from Gina because she has the belly plates and bodies, all Pooh!!! Well anyway I had to quick dash and order from "Irresistables" so if you did not get yours in the US there are still some left..... Correction "Irresistables" is also offering the belly plates. I was in such a rush just to get them purchased, I did not read the full description. LOL.Yayy!!!
Good luck!!! Saved me from an upchuck!! LOL