Just another web activity to check out. I have recently discovered Pinterest, where you can look at beautiful pics, repin pics, and or add your own. Many of you may have heard of it, nothing new. There are quite a few of my FB friends on there. There are also some boutiques on there that sell some really adorable baby clothes (hint hint). LOL. You know there is always some shopping involved for me. There are also other things besides baby stuff too. I'm not really into the whole name brand thing but I like nice things especially if they are great eye candy. My motto has always been if its cute and looks well made I will buy it whether if it's from Tj Max, Loehman's or Neiman Marcus :0) There are also some great pics of food and some shared recipes, fashion, jewelry, furniture, just about anything you are interested in. So take a peek. I am currently on a hunt for a few antique items. So I like looking on there for ideas.