Wednesday, August 15, 2012

WIP Custom Jillian Sanaa


Hope everyone is enjoying their work week the weekend is right around the corner, in which I do not have to work anymore!!!!!!!  Yay!!!! Me!!!!! A lot of new exciting things are going on in my life right now! I just wanted to take the time to share some more progress pics of  my custom baby. Mommy C has picked a beautiful name for her little girl now Jillian Sanaa :0) I still have quite a few things to do with her but she will be done soon! Here are a few more pics her. She is so adorable ! Mommy C is so excited and cannot wait to get her hands on her. Soon Mommy soon!
I will show her final pics when she is complete. Have a blessed night.

Nighty Night :0)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

WIP Pics of Winnie by Emily Jameson :Dakota Blaire


I just wanted to take a break from rooting my custom Yelina, so I could share some pics of my Winnie by Emily Jameson. I cannot gush anymore about what a phenomenal sculptress Emily is. Her sculpting is sooo extraordinary. If you have not bought a Winnie sculpt yet, you might want to invest in one. I want to get another one, no joke. I am not sure if when this baby is completed if I will be able to part with her. I already have someone asking about her, and she's not even finished yet. LOL. I have left no crease wrinkle or dimple untouched, I still have quite a bit of work left. I can't wait until she is completed. I showed my hubby ("AKA Mr. Potatoehead") her pics and he asked me why did she look so angry. I told him that is what give her character. Her expression is so realistic. I love her beautiful little frown. This baby is going to be one precious little girl. Before I had even put one drop of paint on her I had a custom gown made for her. Right!!!

Here's pics of my little Dakota Blaire with a Wilieima Alvarez hair accessory :


Bye and have a blessed day!!!

Pinterest Anyone?


Just another web activity to check out. I have recently discovered Pinterest, where you can look at beautiful pics, repin pics, and or add your own. Many of you may have heard of it, nothing new. There are quite a few of my FB friends on there. There are also some boutiques on there that sell some really adorable baby clothes (hint hint). LOL. You know there is always some shopping involved for me. There are also other things besides baby stuff too. I'm not really into the whole name brand thing but I like nice things especially if they are great eye candy. My motto has always been if its cute and looks well made I will buy it whether if it's from Tj Max, Loehman's or Neiman Marcus :0) There are also some great pics of food and some shared recipes, fashion, jewelry, furniture, just about anything you are interested in. So take a peek. I am currently on a hunt for a few antique items. So I like looking on there for ideas. 


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good Morning Everyone !!!

Alrighty :0)

I hope everyone is doing well ! Well I mentioned in my other post that I had another adorable sculpt to discuss . He is none other than Nigel sculpted by the extremely gifted Lilianne Breedveld. What a scrumptious lil guy ! He has been reborned by the very talented Russian reborn artist Elena Kiprijanva . We are fans of each other's work. She has done a fabulous job bringing Nigel to life . I fell in love with him the instant I laid eyes on him. I know I say that a lot (LOL), but is so true . His name suites him so well . I can't wait to get my hands on him !  Yes, he will be created as a "he". I am partial to little girls . My last boy being my lil boog "Miles Kanai", but Nigel has inspired me to create another little adorable fella :0) I like switching it up sometimes .... especially with one as precious as he . I don't know what I am to do, I am certain Sandi will be happy to hear from me again. I am going to have to get another 55 gallon bin for all these new kits. I wonder if I can sneak it past my "Old Potatoehead " without him knowing ! LOL

Well here are a few pics of Nigel that Lena has allowed me to use, I will also list her website so you can check out her other creations. Very talented lady, my friend from a million miles away :0)

Isn't he adorable? I love sculpts with partially opened mouths :0)

Have a blessed day all!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Progress Report on Custom Yelina by Elisa Marx :0)

Good Evening All !

 I have been slowly working on Mommy C's custom Yelina. She has been an absolute sweetheart, one of the nicest ladies you would ever want to meet. Yelina is turning out beautifully. I will show a few pics of her below. Since snapping these pics a couple of weeks ago, she has partially finished eyebrows, and a painted hairline...... She will be a little darker than the pics shown and I have also started rooting her hair. Yes, she is lighter than my other babies, but I like to paint a large variety of different complexions. I would get bored very quickly painting only just chocolate babies. Although they are my favorite, as an African American woman we all come in various shades and I try to capture as many as I can artistically and realistically.

Well, enough about skintones. I have this special little girl's baby boutique gear already for her and Mommy. She is a precious little babe. I will be posting more pics once she is completed. She will be  well loved and going home to a beautiful family. I still have some work to do on her she is at the rooting stage..... She will be a stunner when done !!!!

 I also want to talk about another lil cutie, but that will be a separate post. You all know how I love scouting out and researching new beautiful sculpts. Yes, I research it is in my naturally inquisitive mind. LOL !!!! Well here she is :

Bye !

Sunday, August 5, 2012

New Lovey to Drool Over :0)

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer because it has been going by so quickly. Soon it will be time for the chicka-dee's to return to school. My oldest child  (17 Yr old) Tahjee Zahmir will be a senior!!!! Wow has time flown by. Yes, I am starting to feel old at 36 :0(  Not that 36 is old to me at all , I hear 40 yrs old is the new 20"s. LOL.  I remember when he was three and asking me if the dead bee caught in a cobweb was taking a nap! (sigh) Well that's enough nattering, lets get on to my dolly stuff ! 

Well as usual there are always new sculpts for me to spend my money on. I have fallen in love with a new beauty of course. I would like to make her a mix of African - American and Cambodian. My friend Leap is Cambodian and has a biracial grandson. He is absolutely adorable, he has these adorable chubby cheeks with dimples and his complexion is gorgeous. The sculpt is Suu Kyi by Adrie Stoete. She is another one of my favorite sculptresses. I have a couple her her Asian sculpts waiting to be created :0) Serra Loredana of "The Little Prince's House" has done a phenomenal job on her prototype and bringing this little girl to life. She has been so so very sweet and has allowed me to use one of her photos as an example of the sculpt being discussed. Here is Lory's website so you can see some of her other beautiful art as well. Thanks Lory :0)

Here is Lory's "Suu Kyi" :

Well pleasant dreams all.......