Monday, September 2, 2013

Ethnic AA Biracial "Angel" Prototype by Olga Auer


I can finally share! I have been holding it in for a while :0) It has taken me a while to finish this little girl. Olga is sooo talented she is a, another one of my favorite sculptors! This baby was sculpted after her newborn son, so adorable. If you did not did not preorder this sculpt, you truly missed out. This kit is very realistic! I hope you all like her. She will be going to ebay hopefully some time tonight, so please keep a look out :0)

"Nadia Kiersten"

Stay blessed and hope you had a great holiday weekend :0)

Pre-Order Shopping Again!


It has been a while since I last posted. I would like to discuss two topics first. I have come across one of the most adorable sculpts "Nicky" by Crista Goetzen a new talented artist. I am not sure if this sculpt is being sold by our US vendors and surely am not waiting around to see. This sculpt is a LE of 500 so I made sure I purchased mine :0) Silvia Ezquerra of "Silvia Creations" has so graciously allowed me to use her prototype picture of "Nicky". I am a huge fan of Silvia's work. Her babies are gorgeous and so realistic! Here is a pic of her prototype "Nicky":

Is she not precious or what? Silvia has also reborned a few of my favorite prototypes which were just recently released. All stunning by the way, such as her "Will" by Natalie Scholl and "Angel" by Olga Auer. Which brings me to my second topic, my latest project which I have been working the remainder of my summer on! My ethnic AA Prototype of "Angel". She will be in a separate post!

Bye Nisha